Cherry Potter is author of books on psychotherapy, film and media. Her latest book is How Psychotherapy Helps Us Understand Sexual Relationships: Insights from the Consulting Room.
The book is written for both general readers as well as psychotherapists and counsellors. The book takes readers on her personal and professional quest for insights into sex, relationships and gender differences. Why do we feel what we feel, and do what we do? What is the impact of ‘performance anxiety’ on men, and on society generally? Why are women still faking it? Is ubiquitous online porn turning the clock backwards?
Cherry delves into the work of Freud, Klein, and recent developments in attachment theory for insights into our conscious and unconscious fears and desires, and introduces readers to a range of clients. These include Ellie, who repeatedly fell in love with unobtainable men; Kieran, whose fear of abandonment threatened to wreck his gay relationships; and Lars, who was addicted to online porn and prostitutes. The book shows how the work between therapist and client is a process of learning together, which is at times painful and deeply moving, but can also reflect a renewed vitality and hope for the future, particularly when it comes to talking about sex.
“What strikes me is Cherry Potter’s openness, how engaging her book is and how much I identify with it. I’ve no doubt this will be a great book for therapists as well as for people struggling to understand their own sexuality. But I suspect its real value will be for encouraging people to be as honest with themselves as Cherry Potter has been.”
– Philippa Perry, Psychotherapist, Author, Presenter of Sex, Lies and Lovebites: The Agony Aunt Story (BBC Four), The Great Sex Survey (Channel 4) and others.
“Her Writing Style is accessible and her knowledge of psychoanalytic theory obvious. I recommend it widely.”
– Paula Hall, UKCP Accredited Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapist, Founder and Clinical Director of the Laurel Centre, Author, Sex Addiction: A Guide for Couples and Those Who Help Them.
Published by Routledge 2019
Read an interview with Cherry Potter about this book.
More books by Cherry Potter